Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Birth Book

I am very excited to finally officially offer . . . Birth Photography!!

I have always been a bit of a birth junkie. In fact it states in my high school yearbook caption that I had planned to go to medical school to be an obgyn. While I never carried through on that plan I did continue to be utter captivated by birth.

I am a trained Doula. What is a Doula? A doula is a woman who offers various forms of non-medical support (physical and emotional) to a woman in labour.

I have finally merged all of these things with my photography to offer an amazing product . . . The Birth Book!!

The Birth Book is the story of your baby's birth. It has three main parts: A maternity session prior to the birth, the birth session itself, and a family session about a week after the birth. I then take all these images and create (layout and design) a beautiful leather bound art book. The books are assembled by an outside company that caters only to professional photographers. They are top quality books that will last a lifetime.

I have attended a good number of births both as a doula and as a photographer. I am committed to being as discreet and as respectful as possible. I consider it a great honour to be there when a new baby is born.



Terri said...

Donna, this is great! And also a no-brainer. Hooray!

Anonymous said...

so real. so scary! giving birth makes me want a c section all the way if i ever have child. you caught her at such a good moment like the stress in her face, the baby, that cord.. ugh. i can't look anymore, i'm getting light headed.

Anonymous said...

The woman in the second pic is me... and I justed wanted to say that it was actually a wonderful, beautiful, powerful experience... Normal birth is truly nothing to be afraid of. If I ever get pregnant again, I would do it all over again the same way.. :)Thanks Donna for capturing such a powerful moment.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous who wants a C-Section all the way.

Please remember that a C-section is major abdominal surgery and comes with all the risks of surgery.

Please please please do your research on C-sections before opting for one because the other way 'looks painful' or "yukky".

Talk to moms who have had both. Talk about recovery time and risks to baby.

Once you've had a c-section your stomach will NEVER be the same. And contrary to what some people would have you believe.. if you have a vaginal birth with NO episiotomy, it goes back the way it was before!

I implore you to do your research before you make up your mind.

Anonymous said...

I wish I'd known about you so that my home water birth could have been captured on film so beautifully (I had the baby before my 2nd MW with the camera arrived). Most empowering moment of my life! You've captured it phenomenally well.

As for the c-section comment, I haven't had one, but I have had an episiotomy with a prior hospital birth and have to say there is no comparison - I'd do the homebirth again without question (and I had epidurals in hospital).

Anonymous said...
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Velvet said...

Wow, this is beautiful! Makes me want to give birth all over again. There's nothing like the incredible feeling of pushing your beloved child from your body, and meeting him/her for the first time. :-)

You have a real talent!

Anonymous said...

How truly beautiful. The second pictures is amazing, it is more than a picture, its a moment caught in time.

As for the c-section comment, this picture is the total oppostite for me. This picture makes me want to do everything in my power to be sure that my child enters the world like that baby did.

Anonymous said...

Your wonderful pictures show the many facets of birth - not all are soft and cuddly (and newborns aren't always cute)- but each moment is wonderous and beautiful in its own way. Something you've captured. I love them.

Wendy Jolliffe said...

Awesome - just overwhelmingly awesome. Your homebirth photos shoow all the reasons why babies need to be born into gentle, loving hands. No unnecesaereans. Donna, beautiful photos - momma, you look gorgeous. I miss you all.

Anonymous said...

Wow!! I love the moments you have captured! I'm currently expecting my first and I have to admit I am tempted to have a birth book done :)